Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cute Names For Food Dishes At Baby Shower

(Continuous Monument)

So what to do in this rainy weekend? Shopping Is The Only Way Out of the Rain ? What to do when the shopping mall has absorbed all experience, when it became The Ultimate Experience ? A too frequent his business space, I end up wondering if Singapore is anything but a mineral surface upon which it wanders a little haggard, a promotional cardboard cup in his hand, sucking a soda, 110kcal, 28g carbohydrate, 'm Lovin'it , pending Monday. SMS Save My Soul.

Let me dream, Singapore, as I began to doubt my own reflection in your windows. What areas of your incredible shopping malls , your integrated resorts Are they museums? These millions of square meters of land covered by the walkways, elevators, underground tunnels, escalators, to the subway, to the airport which connects again, without my foot does not crowd the true ground without stop once the regular rhythm of rolling my suitcase on joints of the pavement, to the millions of square meters of the pavement, from Kuala Lumpur to Hong Kong, Paris, New York, London, Tokyo ... Is it the continuous monument? A real experience, as we promise slogans, but can be an experience that has nothing to sell me, because I already bought everything?

Going to new destinations, new lifestyles , in the global network of cities including Singapore is secure artificial first doors. Global instability flee and find refuge in this oasis of peace and social economic backed by real estate assets. Pass, such as young urban professionals to Singapore Dubai stadium, Together to Ease Your Lif e , Doha, Qatar Experience, Brunei, Excellent Leadership and Good Governance for National Prosperity and Stability ... capitalism.
Experience and destination. It is still in the Wild West of someone. All these flows that travel the world relentlessly. Go, go back, go back .. Moves Are there still to go and meet another real or otherwise? Or just looking for lifestyle experience in shopping malls and resorts increasingly integrated Ultimate ? Shopping as cultural horizon. Real Estate as the ideological horizon. Art as a solution gap. 33.33% Finance, 33.33% concrete, 33.33% Communication. It remains 0.01% architect for your ideas. It's not bad, right?

and bonus New Proletariat here to read

excerpted from the article by Francois Decoster Toyo Ito, VivoCity, Singapore in 2010 Frog/Numero9


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