(Faces Beat)
"We spent a whole night talking to Old Bull Lee, for now, saying only that he was a teacher and we can say that he was perfectly entitled to teach because he spent all his time to learn, and things were what he learned that and he felt he was defined as the "facts of life", he was learning not only in the empire of necessity but because it was his taste. He was dragged by her long thin body throughout the U.S. and in his time, in much of Europe and North Africa, just to see what was happening, he had married a White Russian countess in Yugoslavia to make escape Nazis in the Thirties, there are pictures of him when we see the middle of the international gang of cocaine in the 30s, the hair types of extravagant, leaning on each other; on other photos, he is wearing a panama, contemplating the streets of Algiers, and he never saw the white Russian countess. It was derat Chicago bartender in New York, Newark bailiff. In Paris he sat on the coffee table, looking at the sullen face of French who passed. In Athens, he watched his ouzo what people call them ugly pus in the world. In Istanbul, he worked his way through the crowd of addicts and dealers of carpets, in search facts. In English hotels he read Spengler and the Marquis de Sade. In Chicago, he proposed to rob a Turkish bath, was reluctant to just two minutes too long as he drank a glass, has won only two dollars and was forced to take off. All these things he had accomplished for the sole interest of the experiment. Now finally, he studied drugs. They saw him now in New Orleans slip into the streets with shady types frequenting bars and shady. "
Kerouac's books, major author of the Beat Generation are full of descriptions of real people that he met on the road during its road trip. Recently discovering the photos of Allen Ginsberg, faces finally stick in these figures that cross these adventures.
. Jack Kerouac, NY, 1957
. On the road, p.201. Jack Kerouac, NY, 1957
. Neil Cassidy (Dean Moriarty in On the Road) & his girlfriend at That Time, Detroit, 1955
. William Burroughs & Kerouac, Mortal Combat, NY 1953
. Allen Ginsberg typing history in Kitchen, 1001 Montgomery Street, SF, 1956
. Neil Cassidy & Ken Kessey is amphetamine, Bus Trips Festival, 1964
. Morningside Heights, Hal Chase, Jack Kerouac Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs, NY, 1944
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