Friday, March 5, 2010

How To Make A Dirt Bike Themed Cake


" As past generations of intellectuals began to English Italian to read Dante in the text is to read Los Angeles in the text that I learned to drive "

Reyner Banham Loves Los Angeles is a documentary commissioned by the BBC in 1972 to popularize the book Los Angeles: The Architecture of Four Ecologies , published a year earlier.
wearing a 70's look, the author arrives at the airport, insert a tape-guide-tourist in his rental car and leads us into a scene of himself for us to share the Los Angeles way of life . An ode to " Supercity of the Future" where we discover under the California sun, many facets of the city of Venice Beach to Downtown, petrol stations Eames home.
documenaire This also tells us the essence of the work of Banham: span the gap between popular culture and urban studies critical to redefine contemporary forms of research. It makes round trips between permanent culture "high" and "low" using techniques of mass media coupled with self-deprecating, but punctuated with clever language interventions, and revisits the contemporary context of cities.

The entire documentary is here to watch .


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